Natural Products by Huitzillin

Casa Mangos cares about our guests as if you were part of our family.  To that end, we have partnered with Huitzillin, to provide handmade shampoo, soap, and lotion. Huitzillin has specially designed her handmade products with our guests and the times in mind.  She uses natural plant extracts and essential oils, with naturally occuring anibacterial properties, to provide protection without over-drying the skin.

In general, glycerin soap is used for oily skin due to its specific nature that tends to close the sebaceous glands. Due to its neutral nature, it is suitable for removing dead cells, as well as an excellent product to relieve dermatitis and sensitive skin. All this in combination with plant extracts and essential oils make Huitzillin soaps the best option for your skin care.

GLYCERIN SOAP INGREDIENTS: medicinal plant extracts, vitamin E, essential oils and coloring.